the spider ran away OH REALLY?!

Monday, May 25, 2009

LOL you cannot believe what i'm doing now.

i'm staring at the yearbook saying OMG DAMN PRETTY OMGOMGOMG
eh really leh so pretty how come i've never noticed her before

-_- haha sorry


gah. zhouhong -_-

in case you're wondering how i knew these stuffs it's because zhouhong sits behind me and despite him being really heartbroken and stuff he's still cheerful enough to be my daily source of random redundant information

but i've gotten into so many shitty situations since the start of the year

so much so that nothing can really affect me anymore


the following conversation has *** with the above section

me: zomg she has bad taste! i would choose X over Y
irene: LOL ya X is so much nicer than Y
me: ...
irene: ...
me: you don't mean it right
irene: ...
me: hello??
irene: ya actually Y's very cute
me: :O
irene: i feel like pinching his cheeks
me: :O nevermind X has dyllis and me. and -----
irene: :O haha!!




don't ever tell me your life is screwed.

it cannot be worse than mine. wanna fight? sorry you just lost.


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