the spider ran away OH REALLY?!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

what a hectic month.

with extra servings of stress, angst and fatigue.

why are we doing this to ourselves?
why do we risk getting more hot-tempered by the day?
why are we depriving ourselves of the freedom of the holidays?

because at the end of it, their smiles make it all worth while.

(gosh cliche)

so lets put in our best :D

(grah cliche-er)


it's pouring now

like literally. with the rain, thunder, lightning and all.

some people say they like the rain.

CMON MAN! when it rains, accidents happen all the time!
getting struck by lightning, highway pileup, floods, FALLING ON THE SLIPPERY FLOOR??


i said i like reflections
i did right?

but what if at the other side of the mirror
someone's looking back at you?
(that's called a one-way mirror btw)

you're happily admiring your cute self in the mirror

and all of a sudden someone slides the mirror away and say, "hello you're really distracting."



talking to you is like having english lessons

stop giving excuses

ex-cuse [ik-skyoos]

1. an explanation offered as a reason for being excused; a plea offered in extenuation of a fault or for release from an obligation.
2. a ground or reason for excusing or being excused
3. a pretext or subterfuge

except that yours doesn't work -_____-


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