the spider ran away OH REALLY?!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Once again I find myself eagerly awaiting the weekends and getting a momentarary reprieve knowing that the week is almost over. It's when I finally feel at home despite being physically so for the most part. 

This post had started originally started out with an existentialism question that went along the lines of "what are we really living for?" but I'm not about to delve into the deeper meaning of life when I am crushing under the weight of my many commitments and assignments. One day something's gonna give way, either the quality of the work I churn out or my sanity and it's terrifying how I'm hoping it would be the latter.

A knot forms in my gut whenever I think about how everything I've worked for would potentially come to naught and constantly muse over the idea of dropping every load I have. Then I am reminded (as cliche as this all sounds) that I only get one chance at life and if not now then when? #YOLO #AMIRITE

That was almost gratifying, almost. The closest I've gotten to feeling empowered this month was listening to Anything by Hedley.


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