the spider ran away OH REALLY?!

Friday, August 22, 2008

woah i have a pile of homework on my green table waiting for me to embrace them

i hate the way jasmine always reminds me of homework that i haven't completed and would had better not know about



these 2 days have been really really embarasing :/
ok not like my life isnt already embarasing enough why must this happen to me?

for the entertainment of laughing at me I SHALL SUMMARISE THE MOST EMBARASING INCIDENT

it was at the canteen when i decided to squat down while queuing for food to look at somebody's [HAHAHA OK YOU KNOW WHAT] (because it was in such a convenient position!)
just as i was tilting my head to look closer the guy turned around and stared at me like i was insane, so i just stood up and pretended like nothing happened.

HAHA but still. this is no reason to emo


why is emoing bad?

it is already bad enough with oily hair and a tomatoey case of POB
why add more stress to yourself and cause unnecessary hair loss?

causes the death of many innocent eyes looking at that emo face
causes the loss of enthusiasm in others eventually decreasing life expectancy
causes changes in the natural order of things

ok so whatever conclusion is: dont emo

and i need to sleep YAY


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