the spider ran away OH REALLY?!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

lets go kbox someday to break windows. // says:

but courage is a matter of stupidity mah

- Sean(: awaits an exciting show tmr. says:



lets go kbox someday to break windows. // says:


if you're not stupid you wont jump into a fire. but if you jump into the fire means you're stupid and have courage

- Sean(: awaits an exciting show tmr. says:


for the first time i agree with you


go along the beach for a hundred metres.
the treasure is behind the square rock.


that conver shows i have other people in my contact list other than cas.

oops. here's what sean said.

lets go kbox someday to break windows. // says:

omg i cant believe sx is sc

- Sean(: awaits an exciting show tmr. says:



he sucks

lets go kbox someday to break windows. // says:


you say tt again and i'll kill you.

- Sean(: awaits an exciting show tmr. says:

tt again


kill me



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