the spider ran away OH REALLY?!

Friday, March 20, 2009

One should believe in love at first sight.

anima is the personification of all feminine psychological tendencies within a man
animus is the personification of all masculine psychological tendencies within a woman

and according to the Jungian psychology,
when someone doesn't relate to their feminine(for males) / masculine(for females) attributes they project their anima/animus onto the opposite sex.

when we're attracted to people we don't know much about, it's because we see their animus/anima
and this is how infatuation occurs.


the state of being infatuated.
2. the act of infatuating.
3. foolish or all-absorbing passion or an instance of this
4. the object of a person's infatuation

Infatuation is a compulsive possessiveness which occurs in individuate males/females who have not integrated their contrasexual qualities into their conscious and recognising that they're cutting of characteristics that do not match with the sex of their bodies.

which also means childish la


Everyone has an alter-ego.

well yea that's true and i'm playing a game called ALTER EGO (that's why i'm not spamming info)


anyway, i only knew this while watching Skins.

eh no i'm not promoting Skins hor, it's not really that nice
i'm only watching it because DEVPATEL (the guy who acted in slumdogmillionaire omgomgomg) is in it :D


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